3 Tips to Nail Your Meet & Greets

For dog walkers, the meet & greet is often the moment a potential client becomes a paying client. So you've got to nail your meet and greets each and every time. Here are 3 tips to a smooth meet and greet for your dog walking service.
#1 Make a Good Impression
Show up on time and you’ve already proven that you are reliable. If you’re running late (God forbid), call the potential client to let them know and confirm your arrival time.
One of the perks of walking dogs is never needing to wear heels or a neck tie, but I always try to look a little nicer at meet and greets than I do for regular workdays. For me that means donning jeans that aren’t covered in paw prints and dog hair, shoes that still look new, and oh my gosh guys, make sure you have nice socks for those no shoes allowed households.
Go over your pre-screening information paying attention to the client and dog’s names so you can greet them by name upon arrival. I bring my meet & greet questionnaire on a clipboard with a pen attached so I can fill it out easily even if we end up sitting on the sofa. Plus clients can’t steal my pen if it’s attached to the clipboard, ha ha!
And oh yeah, make a fuss over the dog. Duh!
#2 Take Charge
Make it clear that you’re the interviewer from the get-go. Yes, the meet & greet is an opportunity for the potential client to ask questions, but take the lead and guide the conversation. Make a point to ask if there are any questions at least a couple times during the interview. And keep it as conversational as possible so you're not just drilling them with questions.
#3 Close the Deal
Confidence can take you far, and instead of asking the client if they want to sign up for walks, ask what day they’d like their dog to start. Sign them up then and there for the dog's first outing. If they’re not ready, they’ll let you know!