COVID-19: 11 Safety Measures for Professional Dog Walkers During the Coronavirus Pandemic

If you're in an area where professional dog walking is allowed, you're probably wondering how you can keep yourself, your staff and your clients as safe as possible during the coronavirus Pandemic.
Let your clients know what steps you're taking so they can see what you're doing to keep them safe. Check out the free graphics I created for that purpose at the end of this post.
#1 Wear a Face Mask
Wear a mask (or other face covering) over your mouth and nose while working.
#2 Curbside Pick Up
Avoid entering client homes if possible. Pick dogs up from the yard or arrange an alternative depending on the logistics for each client.
#3 Use Your Own Gear
Bring and use your own collars and leashes so you don't have to handle equipment from multiple homes. Biothane leashes are easier to wipe down than others, so they may be a good option, or use a fresh leash/collar for each dog.
#4 Wash Your Hands
Since you're avoiding entering client homes, you might not have access to a sink. Bring hand sanitizer or hand soap and a spray bottle full of water so you can wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after each walk. Keep a small container of hand sanitizer in your pocket or bait pouch so you have some during walks too.
#5 Require Clients to Notify You of Illness
Require clients to notify you if they have been exposed to COVID-19, are showing any signs of illness or are under quarantine.
#6 Physical Distancing
Maintain at least 6 feet (2 meters) distance from your clients, other people, and other dogs. Don't allow strangers to pet client dogs and make sure the dog maintains 6 feet distance from other animals and people too. Avoid dog parks and crowded areas.
#7 Wipe Down Surfaces
If you have to enter a client home, be sure to wipe down anything you touch. Things like doorknobs, lockboxes, garage and gate key pads and gate latches can all be wiped with disinfectant as a courtesy to your clients.
#8 Virtual Meet + Greets
Instead of in person meets and greets, opt for a virtual meet and greet.
#9 Disinfect Your Vehicle + Gear
Wipe down frequently touched surfaces in your car, like door handles, locks and the steering wheel. If you're transporting dogs in your car, disinfect between each dog. Secure a tarp or other liner if your vehicle has carpet/cushions so it's easy to clean. Don't forget to clean your phone, keys and other items you frequently touch too.
#10 Wipe Off Paws
While this one may be negligible, it can't hurt to wipe off of doggie paws with grooming wipes. It may help prevent tracking in germs and will help clients feel at ease. You might also remove your shoes should you need to enter a client home.
#11 Use Disposable Bowls
If you offer dogs food or water out of your own bowls, switch to disposable bowls temporarily. Use a new one for each client dog and toss when done. If you can wash reusable bowls between clients that's even better.
Free Download: Social Media Graphics Pack
You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Show your clients what precautions you're taking with this social media graphic pack. It includes 10 images based on the safety measures mentioned here, and looks great as a carousel (multiple image) post on Instagram or Facebook. Click here to download.